

Amusing Thanks.txt Entry

My SE Linux Play Machine [1] has a file named thanks.txt for users to send messages to me [2].

On a number of occasions people have offered to give me things in exchange for the password for the bofh account (the one with sysadm_r privileges). I’ve been offered stolen credit cards, a ponzi scheme of […]

Question about a “Secure Filesystem”

I have just been asked for advice about “secure filesystem” and decided to blog my answers.

The first issue is what is meant by “secure filesystem, that could either mean the ability to restrict file access (EG by supporting SE Linux security contexts and using SE Linux for file access control) or the ability to […]

Case Sensitivity and Published Passwords

When I first started running a SE Linux Play Machine [1] I used passwords such as “123456“. Then for a while I had “selinux” but when I created a T-shirt design (see the main Play Machine page for details) I changed the password to “SELINUX” because that is easier to read on a shirt.

Unfortunately […]

SE Linux Lenny Status Update

I previously described four levels of SE Linux support on the desktop [1].

Last night I updated my APT repository of SE Linux packages for Lenny (as described on my document about installing SE Linux [2]). I included a new policy package that supports logging in to a graphical session via gdm in either unconfined_t […]

Lenny Play Machine Online

As Debian/Lenny has been released and the temperatures in my part of the world are no longer insanely hot I have put my SE Linux Play Machine [1] online again. It is running Debian/Lenny and is a Xen DomU on a Debian/Lenny Dom0.

To get this working I had to make a few more fixes […]

Do Spammers target Secondary MX Servers

Rumour has it that some types of spammer target the secondary MX servers. The concept is that some people have less control over the secondary MX server and less ability to implement anti-spam measures. Therefore if they accept all mail from the secoondary then a spammer will have more success if they attack the secondary […]

It’s too Hot in Melbourne

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast temperatures of 43, 43, and 35 for today and the next two days. Those temperatures are in celcius. Yesterday was also above 40C so my entire house is hot.

As my airconditioner is not overly large (a smaller unit is more efficient) the back part of my house will […]


On Tuesday afternoon I gave a talk on behalf of KaiGai Kohei about SE Linux and the LAPP (Linux Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP/Perl) stack. KaiGai has blogged about this [1], unfortunately Google Translation does a poor job of Japanese and has particular problems with KaiGai’s work (could anyone who knows Japanese and English well please submit […]

Status of SE Linux in Debian LCA 2009

This morning I gave a talk at the Security mini-conf of LCA about the status of SE Linux in Debian. Here is a summary of the issues I covered:

General Status

In Lenny (the new release of Debian that will come out in a month or two) SE Linux is working well. Considerably better than […]

Security Lessons from a Ferry

On Saturday I traveled from Victoria to Tasmania via the ferry (to attend LCA), they grossly failed in their security measures and provide three lessons for others:

Make it possible for people to read security relevant documents . Make obeying the rules not be a cost and make the fact known. Don’t be lazy.

Here […]