

SE Linux Policy for Dell Management

The recent issue of Windows security software killing computers has reminded me about the issue of management software for Dell systems. I wrote policy for the Dell management programs that extract information from iDRAC and store it in Linux. After the break I’ve pasted in the policy. It probably needs some changes for recent software, […]

Ubuntu 24.04 and Bubblewrap

When using Bubblewrap (the bwrap command) to create a container in Ubuntu 24.04 you can expect to get one of the following error messages:

bwrap: loopback: Failed RTM_NEWADDR: Operation not permitted bwrap: setting up uid map: Permission denied

This is due to Ubuntu developers deciding to use Apparmor to restrict the creation of user namespaces. […]

Sandboxing Phone Apps

As a follow up to Wayland [1]:

A difficult problem with Linux desktop systems (which includes phones and tablets) is restricting application access so that applications can’t mess with each other’s data or configuration but also allowing them to share data as needed. This has been mostly solved for Android but that involved giving up […]

Storing Local Secrets

In the operation of a normal Linux system there are many secrets stored on behalf of a user. Wifi passwords, passwords from web sites, etc. Ideally you want them to be quickly and conveniently accessible to the rightful user but also be as difficult as possible for hostile parties to access.

The solution in GNOME […]

PIN for Login

Windows 10 added a new “PIN” login method, which is an optional login method instead of an Internet based password through Microsoft or a Domain password through Active Directory. Here is a web page explaining some of the technology (don’t watch the YouTube video) [1]. There are three issues here, whether a PIN is any […]


The Wayland protocol [1] is designed to be more secure than X, when X was designed there wasn’t much thought given to the possibility of programs with different access levels displaying on the same desktop. The Xephyr nested X server [2] is good for running an entire session from a remote untrusted host on a […]

Some Ideas for Debian Security Improvements

Debian security is pretty good, but there’s always scope for improvement. Here are some ideas that I think could be used to improve things.

A security “wizard”, basically a set of scripts with support for plugins that will investigate your system and look for things that can be improved. It could give suggestions on LSMs […]

Servers and Lockdown

OS security features and server class systems are things that surely belong together. If a program is important enough to buy expensive servers to run it then it’s important enough that you want to have all the OS security features enabled. For such an important program you will also want to have all possible monitoring […]

More EVM

This is another post about EVM/IMA which has it’s main purpose providing useful web search results for problems. However if reading it on a planet feed inspires someone to play with EVM/IMA then that’s good too, it’s interesting technology.

When using EVM/IMA in the Linux kernel if dmesg has errors like “op=appraise_data cause=missing-HMAC” the “missing-HMAC” […]

IMA/EVM Certificates

I’ve been experimenting with IMA/EVM. Here is the Sourceforge page for the upstream project [1]. The aim of that project is to check hashes and maybe public key signatures on files before performing read/exec type operations on them. It can be used as the next logical step from booting a signed kernel with TPM. I […]