Tablet Magazine has an interesting article about Jewish men who fought in the military for Nazi Germany [1]. I’m surprised that they didn’t frag their colleagues.
Dropbox has an insightful interview with a lawyer about the future of machine learning in the legal profession [2]. This seems like it could give real benefits to society […]
Petter Reinholdtsen wrote an interesting blog post about their work on packaging speech to text for Debian [1]. The work of the Debian Deep Learning Team seems really interesting and I look forward to playing with this sort of thing after the release of Bookworm (the packages in question will NOT go in Bookworm but […]
Cory Doctorow has an insightful article Gig Work is the Opposite of Steampunk [1] about the horrors that companies like Amazon are forcing on their employees.
Valerie Aurora and Leigh Honeywell wrote an insightful article about the al Capone theory of sexual harassment [2]. Why people who sexually harass others usually perform other anti-social activity […]
Interesting paper about a plan for eugenics in dogs with an aim to get human equivalent IQ within 100 generations [1]. It gets a bit silly when the author predicts IQs of 8000+ as there will eventually be limits of what can fit in one head. But the basic concept is good.
Interesting article about […]
Vox has an insightful interview with the author of “Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century” [1]. The main claim of that book is that “The 140 years from 1870 to 2010 of the long twentieth century were, I strongly believe, the most consequential years of all humanity’s centuries”. A claim that […]
The Intercept has an amusing and interesting article about senior Facebook employees testifying that they don’t know where Facebook stores all it’s data on users [1]. One lesson all programmers can learn from this is to document all these things in an orderly manner.
Cory Doctorow wrote a short informative article about inflation from a […]
Charles Stross wrote an informative summary of the problems with the UK monarchy [1], conveniently before the queen died.
The blog post “To The Next Mass Shooter, A Modest Proposal” is a well written suggestion to potential mass murderers [2].
The New Yorker has an interesting and amusing article about the former CIA employee who […]
Here’s the US Senate Statement of Frances Haugen who used to work for Facebook countering misinformation and espionage [1]. She believes that Facebook is capable of dealing with the online radicalisation and promotion of bad things on it’s platform but is unwilling to do so for financial reasons. We need strong regulation of Facebook and […]
Tony Kern wrote an insightful document about the crash of a B-52 at Fairchild air base in 1994 as a case study of failed leadership [1].
Cory Doctorow wrote an insightful medium article “We Should Not Endure a King” describing the case for anti-trust laws [2]. We need them badly.
Insightful Guardian article about the […]
Armor is an interesting technology from Manchester University for stopping rowhammer attacks on DRAM [1]. Unfortunately “armor” is a term used for DRAM that looks fancy for ricers so finding out whether it’s used in production is difficult.
The Reckless Limitless Scope of Web Browsers is an insightful analysis of the size of web specs […]