Rolling Stone has an insightful article about why the Christian Right supports Trump and won’t stop supporting him no matter what he does [1].
Interesting article about Data Oriented Architecture [2].
Quarantine Will normalise WFH and Recession will Denormalise Jobs [3]. I guess we can always hope that after a disaster we can learn to […]
Truthout has an interesting summary of the US “Wars Without Victory and Weapons Without End” [1]. The Korean war seems mostly a win for the US though.
The Golden Age of White Collar Crime is an informative article about the epidemic of rich criminals in the US that are protected at the highest levels [2]. […]
C is Not a Low Level Language [1] is an insightful article about the problems with C and the overall design of most current CPUs.
Interesting article about how the Boeing 737Max failure started with a takeover by MBA aparatcheks [2].
Interesting article about the risk of blood clots in space [3]. Widespread human spaceflight […]
The Verge has an interesting article about Tim Cook (Apple CEO) coming out [1]. Tim says “if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, […]
Matt Palmer wrote a short but informative post about enabling DNS in a zone [1]. I really should setup DNSSEC on my own zones.
Paul Wayper has some insightful comments about the Liberal party’s nasty policies towards the unemployed [2]. We really need a Basic Income in Australia.
Joseph Heath wrote an interesting and insightful […]
Matt Palmer wrote a good overview of DNSSEC [1].
Sociological Images has an interesting article making the case for phasing out the US $0.01 coin [2]. The Australian $0.01 and $0.02 coins were worth much more when they were phased out.
Multiplicity is a board game that’s designed to address some of the failings of […]
Dave Johnson wrote an interesting article for Salon about companies ripping off the tax system by claiming that all their income is produced in low tax countries [1].
Seb Lee-Delisle wrote an insightful article about how to ask to get paid to speak [2]. I should do that.
Daniel Pocock wrote an informative article about […]
Russ Albery wrote an insightful blog post about trust, computer security, and training programmers [1]. He makes a good case that social problems in our community decrease the availability of skilled people to write and audit security code.
The Lawfare blog has an insightful article by Dan Geer about “Heartbleed as a Metaphor [2]. He […]
Charmian Gooch gave an interesting TED talk about her efforts to fight organised crime and corruption by prohibiting anonymous companies [1]. The idea of a company is to protect the owner from unlimited liability not to protect them from law enforcement.
Dr Nerdlove has an insightful article about sexual harassment in geek culture [2].
Rebecca […]
Yves Rossy is the Jetman, he flys with a wing and four jet engines strapped to his body, he gave an interesting TED talk about flying along with some exciting videos [1].
Larry Brilliant gave an informative and inspiring TED talk about stopping pandemics [2]. I thought that Smallpox was the last disease to be […]