

Links July 2021

The News Tribune published an article in 2004 about the “Dove of Oneness”, a mentally ill woman who got thousands of people to believe her crazy ideas about NESARA [1]. In recent time the QANON conspiracy theory has drawn on the NESARA cult and encouraged it’s believers to borrow money and spend it in the […]

Links June 2021

MIT Technology Review has an interesting article about Google Project Zero shutting down a “western” intelligence operation [1].

There’s an Internet trend of people eating rotten meat they call “high meat” (rotten meat) [2]. This is up there with people setting themselves on fire and “nut shot” videos.

A young female who was making popular […]

Links April 2021

Dr Justin Lehmiller’s blog post comparing his official (academic style) and real biographies is interesting [1]. Also the rest of his blog is interesting too, he works at the Kinsey Institute so you know he’s good.

Media Matters has an interesting article on the spread of vaccine misinformation on Instagram [2].

John Goerzen wrote a […]

Links February 2021

Elestic Search gets a new license to deal with AWS not paying them [1]. Of course AWS will fork the products in question. We need some anti-trust action against Amazon.

Big Think has an interesting article about what appears to be ritualistic behaviour in chompanzees [2]. The next issue is that if they are developing […]

Links January 2021

Krebs on Security has an informative article about web notifications and how they are being used for spamming and promoting malware [1]. He also includes links for how to permanently disable them. If nothing else clicking “no” on each new site that wants to send notifications is annoying.

Michael Stapelberg wrote an insightful posts about […]

Links December 2020

Business Insider has an informative article about the way that Google users can get locked out with no apparent reason and no recourse [1]. Something to share with clients when they consider putting everything in “the cloud”.

Vice has an interestoing article about people jailbreaking used Teslas after Tesla has stolen software licenses that were […]

Links November 2020

KDE has a long term problem of excessive CPU time used by the screen locker [1]. Part of it is due to software GL emulation, and part of it is due to the screen locker doing things like flashing the cursor when nothing else is happening. One of my systems has an NVidia card and […]

Links September 2020

MD5 cracker, find plain text that matches MD5 hash [1].

Debian Quick Image Baker – Debian VM images for various architectures [2].

Insightful article on Scientific American about how dental and orthodontic problems are caused by our modern lifestyle [3].

Cory Doctorow wrote an insightful article for Locus Magazine about Intellectual Property [4]. He makes […]

Links July 2020

iMore has an insightful article about Apple’s transition to the ARM instruction set for new Mac desktops and laptops [1]. I’d still like to see them do something for the server side.

Umair Haque wrote an insightful article about How the American Idiot Made America Unlivable [2]. We are witnessing the destruction of a once […]

Links June 2020

Bruce Schneier wrote an informative post about Zoom security problems [1]. He recommends Jitsi which has a Debian package of their software and it’s free software.

Axel Beckert wrote an interesting post about keyboards with small numbers of keys, as few as 28 [2]. It’s not something I’d ever want to use, but interesting to […]