

Release Years

In 2008 I wrote about the idea of having a scheduled release for Debian and other distributions as Mark Shuttleworth had proposed [1]. I still believe that Mark’s original idea for synchronised release dates of Linux distributions (or at least synchronised feature sets) is a good one but unfortunately it didn’t take off.

Having been using Ubuntu a bit recently I’ve found the version numbering system to be really good. Ubuntu version 16.04 was release in April 2016, it’s support ended 5 years later in about April 2021, so any commonly available computers from 2020 should run it well and versions of applications released in about 2017 should run on it. If I have to support a Debian 10 (Buster) system I need to start with a web search to discover when it was released (July 2019). That suggests that applications packaged for Ubuntu 18.04 are likely to run on it.

If we had the same numbering system for Debian and Ubuntu then it would be easier to compare versions. Debian 19.06 would be obviously similar to Ubuntu 18.04, or we could plan for the future and call it Debian 2019.

Then it would be ideal if hardware vendors did the same thing (as car manufacturers have been doing for a long time). Which versions of Ubuntu and Debian would run well on a Dell PowerEdge R750? It takes a little searching to discover that the R750 was released in 2021, but if they called it a PowerEdge 2021R70 then it would be quite obvious that Ubuntu 2022.04 would run well on it and that Ubuntu 2020.04 probably has a kernel update with all the hardware supported.

One of the benefits for the car industry in naming model years is that it drives the purchase of a new car. A 2015 car probably isn’t going to impress anyone and you will know that it is missing some of the features in more recent models. It would be easier to get management to sign off on replacing old computers if they had 2015 on the front, trying to estimate hidden costs of support and lost productivity of using old computers is hard but saying “it’s a 2015 model and way out of date” is easy.

There is a history of using dates as software versions. The “Reference Policy” for SE Linux [2] (which is used for Debian) has releases based on date. During the Debian development process I upload policy to Debian based on the upstream Git and use the same version numbering scheme which is more convenient than the “append git date to last full release” system that some maintainers are forced to use. The users can get an idea of how much the Debian/Unstable policy has diverged from the last full release by looking at the dates. Also an observer might see the short difference between release dates of SE Linux policy and Debian release freeze dates as an indication that I beg the upstream maintainers to make a new release just before each Debian freeze – which is expactly what I do.

When I took over the Portslave [3] program I made releases based on date because there were several forks with different version numbering schemes so my options were to just choose a higher number (which is OK initially but doesn’t scale if there are more forks) or use a date and have people know that the recent date is the most recent version. The fact that the latest release of Portslave is version 2010.04.19 shows that I have not been maintaining it in recent years (due to lack of hardware as well as lack of interest), so if someone wants to take over the project I would be happy to help them do so!

I don’t expect people at Dell and other hardware vendors to take much notice of my ideas (I have tweeted them photographic evidence of a problem with no good response). But hopefully this will start a discussion in the free software community.

2 comments to Release Years

  • Obvious reply: And how would that be better then Semantic Versioning? . Thanks
    for sharing your thoughts :) (I myself use versioning based on dates, btw.) Bye, Joost

  • Semantic versioning is really good for things like shared objects.

    For applications there usually isn’t a need for version numbers indicating an incompatible version change. If you are sent a file from a newer version of an application and your version doesn’t allow reading it then the cause should be quite clear if the software handles versions in data files the way it should.

    For entire OSs and entire computer systems (comprising multiple parts from different vendors) the concept of a semantic version doesn’t apply as there are many different areas of potential incompatibility. But the release year is a rough guide.

    Debian/Bookworm was released in mid 2023 so I can expect that data files produced on Ubuntu 22.04 will be readable by programs in Bookworm but I can’t rely on transferring data the other way. If Debian/Bookworm was actually called version 2023 then this would be obvious without the need to consult Wikipedia to find out when it was released.