ForeignPolicy.com has an interesting article about Cyxymu the first digital refugee [1]. DDOS attacks against LiveJournal and Twitter have been forcing him to use other services to spread his message.
Botnets (large groups of computers running “trojan horse” software that are under the control of a single hostile party) [2] have been around for a […]
I recently discovered the Help A Reporter Out [1] service.
Subscribers receive three messages every business day each of which contains about 40 queries from journalists. People who subscribe can contact the journalist to provide information or offer an interview. Any journalist can send in a query. Peter Shankman runs this, it seems that it […]
TED.com is a site that is known for very high quality content. Unfortunately on occasion they do get things wrong.
Rob Hopkins in his talk at TED Global 2009 claimed that 1 liter of oil “contains the energy equivalent of five weeks of human labor by 35 strong people” [1]. Now Rob has made a […]
The first couple of times I tried to setup Bittorrent I had a lot of trouble. Here is a basic summary of what you need to do:
btmakemetafile.bittorrent test.iso http://server.example.com:8000/announce
The above command will create a metafile named test.iso.torrent. Note that the server name (in this example server.example.com can be an IP address and any […]
Peter Singer wrote an interesting article for the New York Times which makes a good case for rationing health care on the basis of a ratio of the amount of money spent to the health benefits provided [1]. It’s obvious that given a finite amount of money to spend on health-care and a limited portion […]
ZDNet has an interesting article about Amazon unselling books to Kindle owners [1]. Apparently the books Animal Farm and 1984 were added to the Kindle list by unauthorised people (Engaget has the original story [2]). So Amazon decided to just remove the books from the Kindles and refund the purchase price.
Amazon has stated a […]
Currently there is an ongoing debate about a joke that was made during a lecture about free software. I have previously written about why I think it’s inappropriate with regard to children in the audience [1]. For those who are interested in following this mess Matthew Garrett has written an interesting follow-up post with some […]
Katherine Fulton gave a TED talk about the future of philanthropy [1]. She started out well with an overview of some of the technical methods, but I felt that the ending was lacking. At the end she made an emotional appeal for people to be philanthropic, it seems to me that you can’t easily convince […]
In mailing list discussions I’ve seen Windows users get rather unhappy when people talk about “Hating Microsoft“, this often includes claims that it’s supposedly “unprofessional” to hate one vendor. Some go as far as to claim that it’s a good idea to avoid hiring someone who says that they Hate Microsoft – not that I […]
I previously wrote about the appropriate references to porn in lectures about Computer Science [1]. It seemed that by providing a short list of all the appropriate ways that porn could be mentioned in a lecture some people might get the idea that the infinite variety of other potential ways that porn could be mentioned […]