

Dr Suelette Dreyfus LCA Keynote

Dr Suelette Dreyfus gave an interesting LCA keynote speech on Monday (it’s online now for people who aren’t attending LCA [1]). One of the interesting points she made was regarding the greater support for privacy protection in Germany, this is apparently due to so many German citizens having read their own Stasi files.

The section […]

Security is Impossible

The Scope of the Problem

Security is inherently complex because of the large number of ways of circumventing it. For example Internet facing servers have been successfully attacked based on vulnerabilities in the OS, the server application, public key generation, DNS, SSL key certificates (and many other programs and algorithms in use), as well as […]

SE Linux Things To Do

At the end of my talk on Monday about the status of SE Linux [1] I described some of the things that I want to do with SE Linux in Debian (and general SE Linux stuff). Here is a brief summary of some of them:

One thing I’ve wanted to do for years is to […]

My SE Linux Status Report – LCA 2013

This morning I gave a status report on SE Linux. The talk initially didn’t go too well, I wasn’t in the right mental state for it and I moved through the material too fast. Fortunately Casey Schaufler asked some really good questions which helped me to get back on track. The end result seemed reasonably […]

Finding an ATM Skimmer

A member of SAGE-AU [1] found two ATM skimmers [2] and gave me permission to publish his description and analysis of the situation. I’ve lightly edited this from a mailing list post to a blog format with permission from the author. This Courier-Mail article refers to the skimmers in question [3].

People were wondering what […]

New SE Linux Policy for Wheezy

I’ve just uploaded a new SE Linux policy for Debian/Wheezy. It now works correctly with systemd and Chromium, two significant features that I wanted for Wheezy. Now it turns out that we have until the end of the month for Wheezy updates, so I may get another version of the policy uploaded before then. If […]

Debian SE Linux Status June 2012

It’s almost the Wheezy freeze time and I’ve been working frantically to get things working properly.

Policy Status

At the moment I’m preparing an upload of the policy which will support KDE (and probably most desktop environment) logins and many little fixes related to server operations (particularly MTAs). I would like to get another version […]

Neighborhood Watch

While writing my previous post I heard a huge noise at the front of my house. I found one man being restrained in a seated position on the ground at my front door, the man who was holding him down was accusing him of theft and asking me to call the police, and a woman […]

The Security Benefits of Automation

Some Random WTFs

The Daily WTF is an educational and amusing site that recounts anecdotes about failed computer projects. One of their stories titled “Remotely Incompetent” concerns someone who breaks networking on a server and is then granted administrative access to someone else’s server by the Data Center staff [1]!

In one of the discussions […]

SE Linux Status in Debian 2012-03

I have just finished updating the user-space SE Linux code in Debian/Unstable to the version released on 2012-02-16. There were some changes to the build system from upstream which combined with the new Debian multi-arch support involved a fair bit of work for me. While I was at it I converted more of them to […]