

Links July 2024

Interesting Scientific American article about the way that language shapes thought processes and how it was demonstrated in eye tracking experiments with people who have Aboriginal languages as their first language [1].

David Brin wrote an interesting article “Do We Really Want Immortality” [2]. I disagree with his conclusions about the politics though. Better manufacturing technology should allow decreasing the retirement age while funding schools well.

Scientific American has a surprising article about the differences between Chimp and Bonobo parenting [3]. I’d never have expected Chimp moms to be protective.

Sam Varghese wrote an insightful and informative article about the corruption in Indian politics and the attempts to silence Australian journalist Avani Dias [4].

WorksInProgress has an insightful article about the world’s first around the world solo yacht race [5]. It has some interesting ideas about engineering.

Htwo has an interesting video about adverts for fake games [6]. It’s surprising how they apparently make money from advertising games that don’t exist.

Elena Hashman wrote an insightful blog post about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [7]. I hope they make some progress on curing it soon. The fact that it seems similar to “long Covid” which is quite common suggests that a lot of research will be applied to that sort of thing.

Bruce Schneier wrote an insightful blog post about the risks of MS Copilot [8].

Krebs has an interesting article about how Apple does Wifi AP based geo-location and how that can be abused for tracking APs in warzones etc. Bad Apple! [9].

Bruce Schneier wrote an insightful blog post on How AI Will Change Democracy [10].

Charles Stross wrote an amusing and insightful post about MS Recall titled Is Microsoft Trying to Commit Suicide [11].

Bruce Schneier wrote an insightful blog post about seeing the world as a data structure [12].

Luke Miani has an informative YouTube video about eBay scammers selling overprices MacBooks [13].

The Yorkshire Ranter has an insightful article about Ronald Coase and the problems with outsourcing big development contracts as an array of contracts without any overall control [14].

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