

Play Machine Update

My Play Machine [1] was offline for most of the past 48 hours (it’s up again now). I have upgraded the hardware for the Dom0 used to run it so that it now has the ability to run more DomU’s. I can now run at least 5 DomUs while previously I could only run 3. I have several plans that involve running multiple Play Machines with different configurations and for running SE Linux training.

The upgrade didn’t need to take two days, but I had some other things that diverted me during the middle of the job (running the Play Machine isn’t my highest priority). I’ve been doing some significant updates to the SE Linux policy for Lenny including some important changes to the policy related to mail servers. Among other things I created a new domain for DKIM (which I previously wrote about) [2]. The chain of dependencies was that a client wanted me to do some urgent DKIM work and I needed my own mail server to be a test-bed. I installed DKIM and then of course I had to write the SE Linux policy. Now that my client’s network is running the way it should be I’ve got a little more time for other SE Linux work.

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