As Debian/Lenny has been released and the temperatures in my part of the world are no longer insanely hot I have put my SE Linux Play Machine [1] online again. It is running Debian/Lenny and is a Xen DomU on a Debian/Lenny Dom0.
To get this working I had to make a few more fixes to the SE Linux policy and will update my Lenny repository (as mentioned in my document on installing SE Linux on Lenny [2]) in the near future.
I have reformatted most of the text from the thanks.txt file on my Play Machine and put is online on my documents blog [3]. I have also graphed the logins to my Play Machine using Webalizer [4] with 1KB transfer in the graph meaning one minute of login time. Below is the Perl code I used to convert the output of “last -i” to what looks like an Apache log file, the program takes a single command-line parameter which indicates the year that the data is from (which is not included in last output) and takes the output of “last -i” on standard input and gives a web log on standard output.
my @output;
if(not $_ =~ /^root.*pts/)
$_ =~ s/ +/ /g;
$_ =~ s/^root pts.[0-9]+ //;
chomp $_;
my @arr = split(' ', $_);
my $url = "/";
if($arr[6] =~ /crash/)
$url = "/crash";
my $t = $arr[7];
$t =~ s/[()]//g;
my @times = split(':', $t);
if($times[0] =~ /\+/)
my @hours = split('\+', $times[0]);
$t = $hours[0] * 24 * 60 + $hours[1] * 60 + $times[1];
$t = $times[0] * 60 + $times[1];
$t *= 1024;
if($t == 0)
$t = 1;
if(length($arr[3]) == 1)
$arr[3] = "0" . $arr[3];
$output[$#output + 1] = "$arr[0] – – [$arr[3]/$arr[2]/$ARGV[0]:$arr[4]:00 +0000] \"GET $url HTTP/1.0\" 200 $t \"-\"\n";
my $i;
for($i = $#output; $i > -1; $i--)
print $output[$i];
Good work Russel! I’ll try as soon as I can… :)