My Play Machine [1] was offline for most of the past 48 hours (it’s up again now). I have upgraded the hardware for the Dom0 used to run it so that it now has the ability to run more DomU’s. I can now run at least 5 DomUs while previously I could only run 3. […]
I previously described the goals for SE Linux development in Lenny and assigned numbers to the levels of support [1]. I have just uploaded a new policy to unstable which I hope to get in Lenny that will solve all the major issues for level 1 of support (default configuration with the unconfined_t domain for […]
A large part of the disagreement about the way to manage the policy seems to be based on who will be the primary “owner” of the policy on the machine. This isn’t a problem that only applies to SE Linux, the same issue applies for various types of configuration files and scripts throughout the process […]
Caleb Case (Ubuntu contributer and Tresys employee) has written about the benefits of using separate packages for SE Linux policy modules [1].
Firstly I think it’s useful to consider some other large packages that could be split into multiple packages. The first example that springs to mind is coreutils which used to be textutils, shellutils, […]
I have been asked about the current status of Lenny SE Linux on the Desktop.
The first thing to consider is the combinations of policies and configurations. I will number them if only for the purpose of this post, if the numbering is considered generally helpful it could be more widely adopted to describe configurations.
I have written a script for Debian named selinux-activate which is included in selinux-basics version 0.3.3+nmu1 (which I have uploaded to Debian/Unstable). The script when run with no parameters will change the GRUB configuration to include selinux=1 on the kernel command-line and enable SE Linux support in the PAM modules for login, gdm, and kdm. […]
Currently Debian/Lenny contains all packages needed to run SE Linux apart from the policy. The policy package is missing because it needs to sit in unstable for a while before migrating to testing (Lenny), and I keep fixing bugs and uploading new versions.
I have set up my own APT repository for SE Linux packages […]
SE Linux is almost ready to use in Lenny. Currently I am waiting on the packages libsepol1 version 2.0.30-2, policycoreutils 2.0.49-3, and selinux-policy-default version 0.0.20080702-4 to make their way to testing. The first two should get there soon, the policy will take a little longer as I just made a new upload today (to make […]
I have just bought a EeePC 701 [1], I chose the old model because it’s significantly smaller than the 90x series and a bit lighter too and it had Linux pre-loaded. Also it was going cheap, while I am not paying for it I give the same attention to saving my clients’ money as to […]
I have just uploaded new SE Linux policy packages for Debian/Unstable which will go into Lenny (provided that the FTP masters approve the new packages in time).
The big change is that there are no longer separate packages for strict and targeted policies. There is now a package named selinux-policy-default which has the features of […]