

praying for rain

Paul Dwerryhouse posted a comment about the Prime Minister asking people to pray for rain. I don’t think that Johnny is suggesting this because he’s overly religious (compare his actions with the New Testament of the Bible). The fact is that the Australian government has no plans to deal with global warming, the inefficient distribution […]

A Strange Interpretation of the US Constitution About Copyright

In a blog on infoworld the following strange statement appeared:

The US Constitution is clear that the reason for copyright/patent/etc. is to benefit creators of property, not users of property. I appreciate the reason: give creators a reasonable return on their investment. Actually the US constitution seems to clearly say the opposite. Here is a […]

power saving

Adrian von Bidder made an interesting post in response to my post about Spanish wind power. He correctly points out that power sources that have seasonal variations and which may vary during the course of a day can not be used as the sole power source.

The ideal design would be to have wind power […]

Spanish wind power

The latest news is that Spain has wind power as it’s main source of electricity. The second largest source is nuclear and the third is coal. This is due to some particularly windy weather recently, but Spain is also a world leader in both manufacture and installation of wind power systems.

Other countries should follow […]

fluorescent lights and why it’s worth saving resources

A common criticism of fluorescent lights is the inability to use dimmers, as mentioned in Julien Goodwin’s blog.

However with some thought at the time the lights are installed this problem can be solved. The first thing to keep in mind is that an infinite number of levels of illumination (analogue scale) is not really […]

worse than fossil fuel?

I just read an interesting blog post from December 2005 about the environmental impact of bio-fuels. It makes some really good points that should be studied by everyone who is interested in protecting the environment.

However this doesn’t mean that bio-fuels are inherently bad, just that some methods of production are bad.

The blog claims […]

things to do for the environment

I got the idea for this from Ben Hutchings. A. Copy the list below to your own journal and

Bold the actions you are already taking Underline the actions you plan to start taking Italicize the actions that don’t apply to you

B. Add one (or more) suggested action(s) of your own

C. Leave a […]

John Howard is bizarre

Our despicable prime minister said “I think that would just encourage those who wanted completely to destabilise and destroy Iraq, and create chaos and victory for the terrorists to hang on and hope for (an) Obama victory“.

That statement is wrong in many ways, firstly the US (with Australian help) has destabilised and destroyed Iraq […]

The Squirrel and the Grasshopper

There’s a story going around the neo-con blogs titled “The Squirrel and the Grasshopper”. It was forwarded to me by a business associate with the claim that it’s “right on the money”. It’s strange that someone could be considered to be “right on the money” for Australia when essentially the same text is posted in […]

Supporting an Election Campaign

Yesterday I handed out “how to vote” cards for the Greens at the state election. It did seem to be a significant waste to have so much paper produced. Slightly more than half the voters who visited my polling booth took cards from all parties, which was obviously of little use. There is some useful […]