

Links February 2025

Oliver Lindburg wrote an interesting article about Designing for Crisis [1].

Bruce Schneier blogged about how to cryptographically identify other humans in advance of AT technology allowing faking people you know [2].

Anarcat has an interesting review of qalc which is a really good calculator, I’ll install it on all my workstations [3]. It even […]

Links January 2025

Aaron Quigley’s Everything Open lecture about Intelligent Interfaces is one of the most interesting research reports I’ve seen in a long time [1]. This one can be understood and appreciated by people who don’t have a strong background in computer science.

Statites (satellites that don’t orbit the sun but use solar sails to hover in […]

Links December 2024

Interesting video about the hack of Andrew Tate’s The Real World site [1].

Informative video about Nick Fuentes covering the racism, anti-semitism, misogyny, and how he is clearly in denial about being gay [2]. It ends with his arrest. Hopefully the first of many arrests. This is what conservatives support.

Insightful article covering the history […]

Links November 2024

Interesting news about NVidia using RISC-V CPUs in all their GPUs [1]. Hopefully they will develop some fast RISC-V cores.

Interesting blog post about using an 8K TV as a monitor, I’m very tempted to do this [2].

Interesting post about how the Windows kernel development work can’t compete with Linux kernel development [3].

Paul […]

Links October 2024

Dacid Brin wrote an interesting article about AI ecosystems and how humans might work with machines on creative projects [1]. Also he’s right about “influencers” being like funghi.

Cory Doctorow wrote an interesting post about DRM, coalitions, and cheating [2]. It seems that people like me who want “trusted computing” to secure their own computers […]

Links September 2024

CNA Insider has an insightful documentary series about Chinese illegal immigrants to the US [1]. They should migrate to Australia, easier to get in and a better place to live.

Linus tech tips has an informative video about using Windows on Snapdragon ARM64 laptops. [2]. Maybe I should get one for running Linux. They are […]

Links August 2024

Bruce Schneier and Kim Córdova wrote an insightful article about the changes that corporations make to culture as technical debt [1]. We need anti-trust laws to be enforced before it’s too late!

Bruce Schneier posted the transcript of an insightful lecture he gave on rethinking democracy for the age of AI [2].

Cory Doctorow wrote […]

Links July 2024

Interesting Scientific American article about the way that language shapes thought processes and how it was demonstrated in eye tracking experiments with people who have Aboriginal languages as their first language [1].

David Brin wrote an interesting article “Do We Really Want Immortality” [2]. I disagree with his conclusions about the politics though. Better manufacturing […]

Links June 2024

Modos Labs have released the design of an e-ink display connected by USB-C [1]. They have provided a lot of background information on e-ink displays which isn’t available elsewhere. Excellent work!

Informative article about a company giving renters insecure locks while facilitating collusion to raise rents [2].

Insightful video by JimmyTheGiant about the destruction of […]

Links May 2024 (late)

VoltageDivide has an interesting article on Unconventional Uses of FPGAs [1]. Tagline – Every sensor is a temperature sensor, nearly everything is a resistor or a conductor if you try hard enough and anything is an antenna. Datasheets are just a suggestion, and finally, often we pretend things are ideal, when they often are not.
