Are there any active LUGs in Singapore? A friend in Singapore is about to set up his laptop to dual-boot and would like the possibility of getting some direct help if it ends up not booting Windows…
I looked at the page listing LUGs in Singapore [1]. There are two entries, one has a site that has not been updated for over a year, the other has no mention of meetings.
Is visiting a nearby country the best option for someone in Singapore who wants to meet other Linux users?
For anyone in a country without an active LUG, it would be good if you could create one. Even if it’s only a bunch of people having a scheduled meeting every month for food/drink. Once you have the meetings arranged other things can happen, random people who need help can bring in laptops to get advice. Also there was one occasion where I gave a lecture about SE Linux (which went for approximately an hour) in a back room at a bar, if you have an audience and a venue then sometimes guest speakers will just show up.
Maybe Colin would know about whether there’s anything in the area of Malaysia adjacent to Singapore ?
SLUG is your best bet in Singapore. Check them out at
They have an active mailing list, and monthly meetups. Well organised, well populated.
Yes, we do have an active mailing list at (the server was down last night, and I have informed the administer about it), and monthly meetings at And if you are dropping by Singapore, you can always look for me.