

more on anti-spam

In response to my last entry about anti-spam measures and the difficulty of blocking SPAM at the SMTP protocol level I received a few responses. Brian May pointed out that the exiscan-acl feature of Exim allows such blocking, and Johannes Berg referred me to his web site for information on how he implemented Exim SPAM blocking at the SMTP level.

It seems that this is not possible in Postfix at this time. The only way I know of to do this in Postfix would be to have a SMTP proxy in front of the Postfix server that implements the anti-SPAM features. I have considered doing this in the past but not had enough time.

Also a comment on my blog criticises SORBS for blocking Tor (an anonymous Internet system). As I don’t want to receive anonymous email and none of the companies I work for want to receive it either this is something I consider a feature not a bug!

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