

Blog Posts Should Stand Alone

I believe that apart from some exceptions (such as “links” posts) each post should stand alone. A reader should be able to read a single blog post and understand the author’s point without needing to visit any external sites. A common mistake is to write a post that can not be understood without following the links. […]

Trust and My SE Linux Play Machine

When discussing the machine there are two common comments I get. One is a suggestion that I am putting myself at risk, I think that the risk of visiting random web sites is significantly greater. Another is a challenge to put the machine on my internal network if I really trust SE Linux, as noted I have made mistakes in the past and there have been Linux kernel bugs – but apart from that it’s always best to have multiple layers of protection. […]

SE Linux Play Machine and Passwords

My SE Linux Play Machine has been online again since the 18th of March. On Monday the 11th of Feb I took it offline after a user managed to change the password for my own account. Part of the problem was the way /bin/passwd determines whether it should change a password. […]

SE Linux Etch Repository for AMD64

My Etch back-port repository of SE Linux related packages (which I documented in a previous post) now has a complete set of packages for AMD64. From now on I aim to make AMD64 and i386 be my main supported platforms for SE Linux development. […]