Here’s a guide to supporting Xen servers for people who are not Linux experts. If your job means that you have root access to a Xen server that someone else installed for the purpose of fixing problems when they are not available then this will help you solve some common problems.
Xen is a virtualization […]
I believe that an ideal installation process for Linux would have the option of performing a Xen install.
The basic functionality of installing the Xen versions of the required packages (the kernel and libc), the Xen hypervisor, and the Xen tools is already done well in Fedora and it’s an option to install them in […]
In a default configuration of Xen there will be a virtual Ethernet device created for each interface which will be associated with a bridge. A previous post documented how to configure a bridge named xenbr0.
The basic configuration of Xen that most people use is to have a single virtual Ethernet port for each Xen […]
This article in The Age about Mohamed Haneef shows the terrorist threat that we face.
The chance that I will be injured by Al Quaeda in any way is quite remote. The chance of being attacked by ASIO is a lot greater.
The main benefit of being in a democracy is having a legal system […]
I have just been reading the LinuxWorld Community blog which seems to be mostly Don Marti’s personal blog (currently there seems to be no-one else blogging on that site).
One thing that disappointed me is that the theme designer made it look good at a width of 1000 pixels and no other size. At a […]
Bruce Schneier writes about Correspondent Inference Theory which deals with situations when the motives of an individual or group are inferred by the results of their actions. Both his article and the MIT article on which it is based only consider the results of terrorist actions against the US and allied countries.
I believe that […]
One problem that I have had in configuring Heartbeat clusters is in performing a STONITH that originates outside the Heartbeat system.
STONITH was designed for the Heartbeat system to know when a node is not operating correctly (this can either be determined by the node itself or by other nodes in the network) and then […]
On several occasions I have watched part of a TV documentary on gifted children, but I have never been able to watch one completely because every one that I have seen has been offensively wrong.
One thing that they always seem to do is say that gifted children have special needs and often claim that […]
In a comment on my post about memory errors Chris Samuel referred me to an interesting post on the Beowulf mailing list about memory errors. In that list posting Joe Landman says “it is pretty easy to deduce which chip is problematic (assuming it is ram) based upon the address” and then describes how to […]
An issue that causes some discussion and debate is the number and type of questions that may be asked during a lecture. In a previous post giving advice for speakers I suggested that questions can be used as a mechanism for getting a talk back on track if a nervous speaker starts presenting the material […]