

WordPress Multisite on Debian

WordPress (a common CMS for blogs) is designed to be copied to a directory that Apache can serve and run by a user with no particular privileges while managing installation of it’s own updates and plugins. Debian is designed around the idea of the package management system controlling everything on behalf of a sysadmin.

When I first started using WordPress there was a version called “WordPress MU” (Multi User) which supported multiple blogs. It was a separate archive to the main WordPress and didn’t support all the plugins and themes. As a main selling point of WordPress is the ability to select from the significant library of plugins and themes this was a serious problem.

Debian WordPress

The people who maintain the Debian package of WordPress have always supported multiple blogs on one system and made it very easy to run in that manner. There’s a /etc/wordpress directory for configuration files for each blog with names such as This allows having multiple separate blogs running from the same tree of PHP source which means only one thing to update when there’s a new version of WordPress (often fixing security issues).

One thing that appears to be lacking with the Debian system is separate directories for “media”. WordPress supports uploading images (which are scaled to several different sizes) as well as sound and apparently video. By default under Debian they are stored in /var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/YYYY/MM/filename. If you have several blogs on one system they all get to share the same directory tree, that may be OK for one person running multiple blogs but is obviously bad when several bloggers have independent blogs on the same server.


If you enable the “multisite” support in WordPress then you have WordPress support for multiple blogs. The administrator of the multisite configuration has the ability to specify media paths etc for all the child blogs.

The first problem with this is that one person has to be the multisite administrator. As I’m the sysadmin of the WordPress servers in question that’s an obvious task for me. But the problem is that the multisite administrator doesn’t just do sysadmin tasks such as specifying storage directories. They also do fairly routine tasks like enabling plugins. Preventing bloggers from installing new plugins is reasonable and is the default Debian configuration. Preventing them from selecting which of the installed plugins are activated is unreasonable in most situations.

The next issue is that some core parts of WordPress functionality on the sub-blogs refer to the administrator blog, recovering a forgotten password is one example. I don’t want users of other blogs on the system to be referred to my blog when they forget their password.

A final problem with multisite is that it makes things more difficult if you want to move a blog to another system. Instead of just sending a dump of the MySQL database and a copy of the Apache configuration for the site you have to configure it for which blog will be it’s master. If going between multisite and non-multisite you have to change some of the data about accounts, this will be annoying on both adding new sites to a server and moving sites from the server to a non-multisite server somewhere else.

I now believe that WordPress multisite has little value for people who use Debian. The Debian way is the better way.

So I had to back out the multisite changes. Fortunately I had a cron job to make snapshots of the BTRFS subvolume that has the database so it was easy to revert to an older version of the MySQL configuration.

Upload Location

update etbe_options set option_value='/var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/' where option_name='upload_path';

It turns out that if you don’t have a multisite blog then there’s no way of changing the upload directory without using SQL. The above SQL code is an example of how to do this. Note that it seems that there is special case handling of a value of ‘wp-content/uploads‘ and any other path needs to be fully qualified.

For my own blog however I choose to avoid the WordPress media management and use the following shell script to create suitable HTML code for an image that links to a high resolution version. I use GIMP to create the smaller version of the image which gives me a lot of control over how to crop and compress the image to ensure that enough detail is visible while still being small enough for fast download.

set -e

if [ "$BASE" = "" ]; then

while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
  SMALL=$(echo $1 | sed -s s/-big//)
  RES=$(identify $SMALL|cut -f3 -d\ )
  WIDTH=$(($(echo $RES|cut -f1 -dx)/2))px
  HEIGHT=$(($(echo $RES|cut -f2 -dx)/2))px
  echo "<a href=\"$BASE/$BIG\"><img src=\"$BASE/$SMALL\" width=\"$WIDTH\" height=\"$HEIGHT\" alt=\"\" /></a>"

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