

Lentil as Anything

I just read an interesting post by Kylie Willison [1] which mentions the restaurant Lentil as Anything [2].

The restaurant chain is noteworthy for charging what people believe that the food is worth (poor people can eat for free). I think that there are cultural similarities with the Linux community, so we should have a Linux meeting at one of those restaurants some time. Comment or email me if you are interested, I’ll probably arrange the details on the LUV-talk mailing list [3].

3 comments to Lentil as Anything

  • hey russell, count me in for something at this place. haven’t been there before, and it looks interesting

  • “The restaurant chain is noteworthy for charging what people believe that the food is worth (poor people can eat for free).”

    Food is worthless to poor people?

  • etbe

    John: Good point, I should have said “what people believe it is worth and what they can afford”.